Filet Mignon Pieces

Double R Ranch

Regular price $25.00

Take your favorite beef recipe to delicious heights with USDA Choice tenderloin pieces. These are the succulent cuts that remain when we hand trim our popular filet mignon steaks.

Beef Grading
Namesake Brand

Namesake Brand

Sustainably Raised

Sustainably Raised

Wet-Aged For 21+ Days

Wet-Aged For 21+ Days


Cooking Tips

Beef Grading

Fill your homecooked meals with fork-tender bites of real filet mignon. These tenderloin pieces are USDA Choice beef ready to create savory stir fry, stew, soup, chili, stroganoff and more. This is a staple to keep on hand for fast and tasty meals.

Average package weight: 1 lb.

Filet mignon pieces are ideal for fast, home-cooked meals. 

Be sure to completely thaw before cooking. 

Separate pieces and pat dry. 

Cut large pieces in half so your dish cooks evenly. 

The two top USDA grades are Prime and Choice, which have the highest levels of marbling.   

USDA Prime is the top grade on the USDA scale with the highest amount of marbling. Only 8 to 10% of all U.S. beef achieves this grade. 

USDA Choice falls directly below USDA Prime. Choice beef is high quality and has less marbling but offers an excellent value. 


Image showing beef grading. Information is typed out below.

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The loin primal supplies some of the most desirable steaks and is located below the backbone, between the rib and round sections. The sirloin is the portion toward the rear of the loin and is the source of top sirloin steaks and the picanha (coulotte). The front portion of the loin is known as the short loin and is home to the New York strip, Porterhouse, T-bone and filet mignon steaks. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is filet mignon steak so tender?

The filet mignon is sourced from the psoas major, a muscle that is not used frequently. A high level of activity makes a muscle tough, so the lack of exercise results in a high amount of tenderness.  

What is the difference between USDA Choice and Prime beef?

The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) separates domestic beef into eight grades, based on intramuscular fat or marbling, and other qualities like tenderness, juiciness, and flavor. The two highest grades are Choice and Prime, respectively.

Where does filet mignon come from?

Filet mignon, or tenderloin steak, is obtained from the loin primal located under the ribs and next to the spine. This is a muscle that receives minimal use, and the lack of physical activity makes the filet mignon a very tender steak. Looking for more tips? Our steak cooking guide has great tips on how to cook filet mignon.