Cowboy Steak
Double R Ranch
The cowboy steak is a bone-in ribeye that’s big in size and flavor. This ribeye has a split personality – it’s a giant steak on the grill or a petite bone-in prime rib when roasted in the oven. Average weight is 2 lbs.

Cut by Master Butchers

Wet-Aged For 21+ Days

Namesake Brand
Cooking Tips
Beef Grading
The Double R Ranch cowboy steak is a giant of a ribeye to make you feel like you're home on the range. We've left the rib bone in place so this cowboy steak will look monumental on the grill or on a serving platter. At an average weight of two pounds, this is a bone-in ribeye large enough to serve two or more. The rib bone is Frenched, or cleaned, which makes for a spectacular plate appearance. Our Double R Ranch steaks are grass fed, grain finished and showcase the delicious difference and consistent quality of our Northwest grown beef, some of the best steaks for sale online.
Average weight: 2 lbs.
This is a natural product and actual weight can vary by +/- .25 lbs.
The two top USDA grades are Prime and Choice, which have the highest levels of marbling.
USDA Prime is the top grade on the USDA scale with the highest amount of marbling. Only 8 to 10% of all U.S. beef achieves this grade.
USDA Choice falls directly below USDA Prime. Choice beef is high quality and has less marbling but offers an excellent value.